Recioto della Valpolicella D.o.c.G. Classico

Masùa di Jago

Recioto is a strong complex sweet red wine which leaves the pallet with a pleasant taste. Recioto is perfect with desserts. It has a long History. The wine "retico" was the first wine of Valpolicella. In the second Century A.D. the wine was known by the Romans. The emperor Augustus drank the wine. Five hundred years later Cassiodoro, the minister of King Teodorico wrote "a pure wine with a royal colour, a special taste with great sweetness and a fantastic bouquet."

  • Deep ruby red with violet reflections
  • Cherries in alcohol, spices and vanilla and chocolate.
  • Pleasant soft and full-bodied with delicate hint of cherries and soft chocolate.
  • 14°-18°C.
  • Good with all desserts, Pandoro di Verona, cakes and chocolate
  • 13%vol
  • 750ml


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