Wine Tourism

The old traditional winery is the home of the Recchia family. It has been characteristically restored to blend in with their surroundings. It is at the heart of the company. Here have been kept room for the tasting of wines by clients, eneologists sommelier and members of the wine sector.



l cliente riveste da sempre un ruolo primario per l'Azienda. Il piacere di accogliere e condividere con il visitatore la stessa passione ha reso il punto vendita un luogo centrale per raccontarci.

La casa di famiglia è diventata quindi la casa del vino e di tutti i suoi appassionati.

Il nostro punto vendita è aperto dal Lunedì al Venerdì, 8:30-12:30 e 14:00-19:00, il Sabato con orario continuato dalle 8:30 alle 19:00.


Palazzo Bertoldi

This project of Palazzo Bertoldi born of love for our area and a desire to be even more entrenched.

Manor and noble of the fifteenth century saw succession the main families of Verona like the Della Scala and Maffei abandonment until the early decades of the last century.

For us today is an ambitious project to restore the ancient splendor and rural life in it historically settled. Nestled in the vineyards in fact shows in various views the consolidated bond with the local wines. The mask showing the god Bacchus in the influence of alcohol and various frescoes that adorn the halls are emblematic examples.


Recchia Vini

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